Mailing List Archive

Nessus 2.2.0RC1 available
I'm happy to announce the Nessus 2.2.0 RC1 has been released.

"RC" means "release candidate" which basically means that I consider
this release to be ready for production, however I'm waiting for your
feedback before labelling it as an official release.

Nessus 2.2.0RC1 is basically the same as Nessus 2.1.3, modulo the

- Fixed a bug in the client which would not make it 'remember' the
scanner selection

- Each plugin can have a bigger number of cross-references associated to

- Starting nessusd displays the current status of the plugins beeing

. changes by Boris Wolf :

- Increased the buffer size on the client side to receive bigger reports

I already covered the main changes of Nessus 2.2 vs 2.0, but if you just
subscribed to the list, here they are :

- Nessus 2.2 can log into the remote hosts using SSH and perform local
security checks there (at this time, it enumerates the list of missing
patches) ;

- The internal communication between the various Nessus children has
been rewritten from scratch to be less CPU-intensive and more robust

- The KB is now managed as a hash table instead of a linked list, thus
speeding up KB accesses

- The KB can now contain elements of a virtual un-limited length
(vs. a 65k hard limit in Nessus 2.0)

- "Secure" NASL scripts. If a NASL script has been cryptographically
signed it has access to a broader range of functions (in particular
the ability to execute local commands). This should allow
us to get rid of all the remaining .nes plugins eventually

- Various minor performance optimization and bug fixes

Nessus 2.2.0RC1 can be downloaded from :

Negative feedback ("it does not work") is of course more than welcome
but reporting that everything works fine is also more than welcome.

Have a good week,

-- Renaud