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Knoppix Mythtv -- not complete yet!
Hey all this is more for the archives that anything else. I am
installing mythtv on a dual pIII server. I am using Knoppix since
my bandwidth is limited it seems to work better then starting with
debian net install. Also, I need mostly unstable packages so cdrom
install is not really valid either.

As it says later in this post I am not a expert, this is just what
worked for me. Still missing is the capture card (PVR-250) setup since
I am waiting for a 5 volt riser for my 1U case.

How I used Knoppix 7-26-2003 to build a mythtv system.

install knoppix using knoppix-installer using username:

login as mythtv

open Konsole 1
open Konsole 2, su - to root

on Konsole 1 get cvs mythtv, mythmusic, mythgallery, mythweather, &

mkdir mythcvs
cd mythtv
cvs -d login
Logging in to
CVS password: mythtv
cvs -z3 -d checkout
cvs -z3 -d checkout
cvs -z3 -d checkout
cvs -z3 -d checkout
cvs -z3 -d checkout

On Konsole 1
cd mythtv

On Konsole 2
deb unstable main
deb unstable mythtv
deb stable main
deb-src unstable mythtv
deb unstable main

to /etc/apt/sources.list

run: apt-get update

get the lame and mysql need software
apt-get -t unstable install liblame0 liblame-dev libqt3c102-mt-mysql

That mysql one was a kind of hard to find.

Konsole 1
add a QTDIR env var
export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3

edit I changed the -march to pentium3 since that is what I
am using

Then run ./configure and make and sit back for a while

Konsole 2
set the QTDIR env var
export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3

cd /home/mythtv/mythtvcvs/mythtv
make install

start mysql
/etc/init.d/mysql start

cd database
create mythconverg database
mysql < mc.sql

not sure why setup is not installed with make install
but I add it just to have around.

cd ../setup
cp setup /usr/local/bin/mythtv-setup

Reture to mythcvs dir
cd /home/mythtv/mythcvs

Konsole 1
verify install worked


When it comes up enter settings --> general
change System shutdown to Alt-ESC as we will be using
it a lot

Alt-ESC out of the frontend

mkdir /home/mythtv/store

run: mythtv-setup
clear card setting: yes
clear channel settings: yes
3. Video Sources -->
set video name source:
I use directTV and live near Denver, CO so I used DirectTV_Den
I am in North America so I choose that foor XMLTV grabber
enter postal code it will pause on that last digit for a sec
while it looks up your zip info
select correct provider.
Select finish. It will hang on the main page for a bit of
time while it gets data from the web

When it comes back
1. General -->
Change directory to hold recordings and Live-TV buffers to

set your formate NTSC for USA
set XMLTV listings to AUTO, or you can set if
you are having problems
select finish

It will prompt you to run mythfilldatabase now, but I say
to wait untill you are ready to break for a few hours. On
my dual channel isdn it takes about 4 hours to run and
you really do not want to have anything go wrong while its
running or you have to start over. The only thing I have
noticed is that your tv listings will not show up until
after it has run. Also lets set it to run via cron now.

Konsole 2

The mythtv cron has you edit the crontab but that seems like
a waste to me. Just cp
and then make it +x chmod 550 /etc/cron.daily/
and you should be set.
Not sure its needed but I edit the file and changed the line:

/usr/local/bin/mythfilldatabase 2>&1 > /dev/null &

This will dump the output to /dev/null and put it in the background so
the system can continue down the line.

Visor Optional {

I really like the clean look of the visor theme so I
install it write away. It can be found at
on the themes page. Just download, cp visor.tar.gz
/usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/, tar zxvf visor.tar.gz, rm
visor.tar.gz. Then start mythfrontend

Settings --> Apperance
select visor as theme, then finish and it will load up!

} // end Visor Optional

We should setup the tvcard now but since I do not have the
riser card I need it will have to wait. Should not effect anything.

Konsole 1

On to mythweather

cd ../mythweather

edit the -march of like we did for mythtv

there is no ./configure for mythweather so just make

Konsole 2

cd mythweather

make install

Konsole 1

configure and verify mythweather


Setup --> Weather Settings
set your Weather Units, Location, and Aggrssiveness
press i when done it should go find and show the weather
module output
(this is one interface I think could really use some work)

Alt-ESC out of mythfrontend

Konsole 1
On to mythgallery

cd ../mythgallery

edit again to correct march

once again no config so just make

Konsole 2
add mythgallery database info
cd mythgallery/database
mysql < gallery.sql

cd ..

Now install it
make install

return to mythcvs dir
cd ..

Konsole 1
cd /home/mythtv

up/download some images into the PICTURES directory we just created.
Personally I use a nfs server that has my images and just mount that.

run mythfrontend and configure mythgallery
Setup --> Images Settings
change the Directory that holds images to /home/mythtv/PICTURES

ESC to main menu

Select Images, if there are images in this directory it will show a
index of them if there are directories of images it will show folders
for you to access. Try selecting a image, right arrow on your keyboard
will move to the next image, left back, and ESC will take you back to
the previous menu entry.

ESC/Alt-ESC out of the frontend

Konsole 1

cd mythcvs/mythmusic

On to mythmusic the hardest one I have found

once again start with editing

check configure options
./configure -h

Personally I want it all so I am going to need the sdl,opengl and fftw
lib stuff installed

Konsole 2

apt-get -t unstable install libsdl1.2debian-all libsdl1.2-dev
libcdaudio0 libcdaudio0-dev libcdparanoia0-dev fftw-dev fftw3
libflac-dev libflac4 libid3tag0-dev

I am no expert and some of these maybe wrong/more then needed but its
what worked for me.

Konsole 1

./configure --enable-fftw --enable-opengl --enable-sdl

Konsole 2

Create the mythmusic database tables
cd mythmusic/musicdb (nice consistan names)
mysql < metadata.sql

cd ..
make install

cd ..

Konsole 1

cd /home/mythmusic
mkdir Music

start mythfrontend

Settings --> Music Settings --> General Settings

change Directory to hold music to

Select next then finish

ESC to main menu

Put a music cd into you cdrom drive

Music --> Import CD
It will take a second for it to come up with info
Select desired Quality:
personally I like High about 120Meg per cd
Perfect came in at about 320 Meg per cd
Medium was about 56 Meg per cd

Then choose:
Import this CD, and go get a snack

Once it is done it will go back to the main music menu.
Select: Select Music, Navigate your way to new album,
press space bar to select the songs or ablum you wish
to play. ESC to main music menu.
Select:Play Music

Things that need to be updated:
1. Setup capture card. I was going to setup mythtv on my
kt266 but there is a DMA bug that locks the F**King thing
up with the ivtv driver. Guess that is what I get for going
with a $140 mother board last year.

2. Input Connections. Needs capture card to link

3. mythvideo -- not sure I am going to add this since I
do not have a dvd drive and this has a special cdrom/floppy
combo drive but who knows maybe mpegs...

4. mythdvd -- see above

5. auto start mysql, just being lazy.

6. auto start mythbackend. Needs capture card to start.

7. install blackbox for low foot print window managment.

8. use kde's auto login and start mythfrontend once mythtv
user is logged in.

9. Did I miss anything?

Thats all for this time. If you have a question or two
post them here and I will try to answer.

Joshua SS Miller

Joshua SS Miller <>
RE: Knoppix Mythtv -- not complete yet! [ In reply to ]
Rather then add more useless post to this forum I will be updating this
info only at:

Joshua SS Miller
Joshua SS Miller <>