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ok, for all of those adventurous ones out there, I've finally decided
that my new mythweb is ready for general consumption. It's located on
the cvs server as mythweb2 (for now, since it's not quite complete yet),
and only works with the cvs version of myth.

This represents a pretty major overhaul of the web system (actually,
nearly a complete rewrite), and it's not finished yet (though the
functions that are there seem to work just fine).

If you're interested in helping, the main areas right now that need to
be addressed are finishing the theme (mainly, pulling out references to
parts that don't exist yet, like mythmusic, etc), adding a user
preferences section (php session controls for basically everything that
exists in the config file), javascript fixes (popup fixes to avoid
placing them offscreen), documentation update, and probably a bunch

It'd be really nice if those people who implemented recording-preview
and ranking sections would help out here (I plan to add a
recording_detail.php, and the ranking stuff should go right into the
scheduled_recordings.php file as I'm currently redoing it to contain a
lot more info so it will fully take the place of both the old "scheduled
recordings" and "fix conflicts" pages).

Also, please note that I started writing this with short php open tags
(<? instead of <?php), and I haven't had time to change them over to the
more accepted format (I don't want to just do a global find/replace
because it will mess up a lot of my formatting)


mythtv-users mailing list