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duplicating channels to different channel #s
I live in a big city where theres lots of leaks in on broadcast channels, so
my local cable provider has duplicated the broadcast channels
(CBS,ABC,NBC,etc) to other channels. For example, CBS is on channel 2 and
15. However, the grabber sees 15 as "local origination" ...

I'd ideally like to not use channel 2, but always 15 instead. Whats the
best way to make XMLTV or Myth think 15 is really 2?

One idea I had was commenting out the grabber on channel 15, grabbing 2
regularly, then running some sort of script that loops and creates a new
program record for each program record on channel 2. I think this would
work, but there might be an easier way?

Alternatively, I could run a script that just does one update to set channel
# = to 15 where it is 2. However, the next time XMLTV grabber runs, it
would re-grab all of the entries for 2 because it thinks they're not there?
(Is this true?) At that point, I would have the same things on 2 and 15,
but then when the update script runs to change the channels again, I would
have a bunch of duplicates (and/or error because of non-unique records).

I'm sure that others have this scenario, if not just because the listings
are mapped to the wrong channels in the first place. (I know that
Comcast/AT&T listings in Chicago often don't match 100% what you actually
get on your TV)... Any ideas on this one?


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