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RE: Redhat 7.3 was OK - but with Redhat 8 or 9 "offsetis: 1 but size is xx"
> > I keep getting this error from myth in the terminal window when I try to
> > view or delete a recording - the screens simply say file missing. It
> > appears that when generating the filename, a null string is generated
> > instead and thus it's looking for a file called .nuv or .png in the case of
> > the thumbnail.
> This is with the 0.8 release? Might want to try with current CVS and see if
> that fixes it.

Or you may be able to open up your channels table in mysql and make sure that all the callsign fields, etc have values in them. The blank fields cause a bit of code to misinterpret what the file name is. This is of course fixed in the latest CVS, so do whatever is easiest?