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problem with buttonlist rendering
Hi everybody

yesterday i update my system at home to last trunk version (i don't remember which version nr now..) and i notice a big problem with my theme (A Forest).

I check it with my MediaCenter at home, and with my laptop now (update today with v0.25pre-1090-g13722d7); laptop i usually use to develop.

Many buttonlists have rendering problem. The text was all pushed on the left, cut and it finish with many horizontal line on the right, just like a brushstroke.

I fixed the theme adding the area tag to the <statetype> in buttonlist, texedit and so on...


<statetype name="buttonitem">
+ <area>0,0,100%,100%</area>


I've realized now that many themes (default, mythbuntu....) In some place (not everywhere) have this behaviour if they have long string in buttonlist.

@Chris Pinkham
A-Forest theme should be re-packaged with the fix. ThankYou!!!

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