Mailing List Archive

Highlighting selected item
Can anyone advise why MythCenter doesn't respect a change in font in the
recordings list (Watch Recordings) in the selected state?

(from base.xml)
<buttonlist name="basebuttonlist2">
<statetype name="buttonitem">
<state name="active">
<textarea name="buttontext">
<font state="disabled">basesmallgrey</font>
<font state="error">basesmallyellow</font>
<font state="warning">basesmallbold</font>
<font state="normal">basesmallboldblue</font>
<font state="running">basesmallgreen</font>
<state name="selected" from="active">
<shape name="selectbar">
<line color="#00FF00" alpha="255" width="1" />
<fill color="#43b038" alpha="128" />
<state name="inactive" from="active" />

and then from recordings-ui.xml:
<buttonlist name="recordings" from="basebuttonlist2">
<statetype name="buttonitem">
<state name="active">
<textarea name="titlesubtitle" from="buttontext">
<textarea name="shortdate" from="titlesubtitle">
<textarea name="starttime" from="shortdate">
<statetype name="playlist">
<state name="yes">
<imagetype name="playlistyes">
<state name="no" />
<state name="inactive" from="active">
<state name="selected" from="active">
<textarea name="titlesubtitle" from="buttontext">

Note the last part that overrides with basesmallbold instead of the
basesmallboldblue from the active definition. If I remove the inheritance
or change the font to a different color, nothing makes the "selected" state
with the highlighted selectbar respect or use the override.

