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Blue-abstract theme update (I'm back)
Hello everybody,

I hope you all had some nice christmas days.

The following changes were added to the new theme version :
- Fixed recording screen time width.
- Added indication if a recording is being transcoded, flagged or recorded.
- Added the missing qtlook.txt file
- I have changed the screen name and clock information on the top of each
screen not to use pictures anymore. They are shapes now. Tell me if they make
problems because of negative coordinates.

- I have ported the mythvideo, mythmusic and mythgallery screens to the new
mythui. So I have added these screens alreay (the tickets are, and

Best regards

Robert S

mythtv-theming mailing list
Re: Blue-abstract theme update (I'm back) [ In reply to ]
hi everyone,

A new theme version is out.
- I fixed the jobstate image problems. (thanks to warpme)
- Added the mythweather screens.
- In the schedules recordings I have added the group list.


Robert S

mythtv-theming mailing list