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roadmap to install mythtv on mdk 8.2
Folks here is my roadmap that I tested out last night, please advise what
errors you see in it and what could be improved.

MDK 8.2 install of MythTV 0.60 - Oct 27/02
Using MythTV 0.6 and XmlTV 0.52 and Lame 3.92.
Note: this is not for the faint of heart or the linux newbie.

install QT3 libs and devel stuff

Installing qt3-3.0.5-2mdk.src.rpm (you can get this from
rpm --rebuild qt3-3.0.5-2mdk.src.rpm

this will likely require following dependencies

error: failed build dependencies:
Mesa-common-devel is needed by qt3-3.0.5-2mdk
libmng1-devel is needed by qt3-3.0.5-2mdk
MySQL-devel is needed by qt3-3.0.5-2mdk
libunixODBC2-devel is needed by qt3-3.0.5-2mdk
postgresql-devel is needed by qt3-3.0.5-2mdk
XFree86-static-libs is needed by qt3-3.0.5-2mdk

As root run for each package (you may be asked to swap cd's and urpmi will
tell you about any other packages that need installing to deal with

urpmi packagename1 packagename2 packagename3 ... packagenameN

[root@jakar2 kde stable]# urpmi mesa-common-devel
installing /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS2/Mesa-common-devel-3.4.2-2mdk.i586.rpm

This is done with:
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p password 'new-password'
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h -p password 'new-password'
See the manual for more instructions.

Once all the necessary dependenceies are satisfied, run the rpm --rebuild
command and go have lunch ;-) This building of qt3 took over an 1.5-2 hours
on my Duron 750 machine. Seems to be going much faster on my Athlon 1.4g
system. Took just under an hour

You'll need to set the QTDIR environment variable so that when you compile
mythtv, the right qt libs will be used.

export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3

you can do "echo $QTDIR" to confirm the variable has been set.

now extract and compile lame and xmltv (note use tar xvjf to extract bz2

get ver 3.09 of xmltwig from and compile it.
The version you get from cpan is 3.08 and it will cause some build errors
that do not impact the functionality of the program, the author advises 3.09
will be required with the next version of xmltv. During the make step, it
will tell you about other modules you should install. A quick trip to cpan
should take care of that. Also while installing these modules look in the
readme for xmltv and install any of the other requirements.

the following modules may need to be installed (make may complain about them)
or they may be needed later to stop build of xmltv from failing. I just
install them all. Some of them are not required to use xmltv with mythtv, but
if you want to use it outside of mythtv then you will need them all.
Bundle::CPAN (upgrade to the latest version and do a "reload cpan"after)
MD5 (for security checks on downloaded modules)
Weakref (dunno where to get this one)
Memoize (seems to always fail)
Term::ProgressBar (requires Class::MethodMaker and Term::ReadKey)
Tk:MMutil (this is a big one and takes a while to compile)

You also need pwlib1-devel (urpmi pwlib1-devel) installed from your mdk cd's,
it has to be installed before Tk:TableMatrix or that will fail


Quit cpan

If you didn't compile XML::Twig above, do it now.

Goto the readme for xmltv and follow the instructions for compiling it.
If you are using xmltv 0.52, at the end of the perl step, you'll
get an error about a missing file. It's safe to ignore it. If during the make
test step you get errors about confused test results, you can also safely
ignore them, they usually happen if you use XML:Twig 3.08 from cpan.

You'll also need to have freetype2-devel installed before compiling mythtv

if you get an error about make being unable to find qmake or no such
command,just add the directory where qmake is to your path "export

Run make again and the continue with the directions in the mythtv readme.

I had to add /usr/local/lib to and then run ldconfig to be able to
run the setup script.

Also, if after rebooting, or logging in and logging out you get the following

[user@computer mythtv]# mythtv
QSqlDatabase warning: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
Couldn't open database

It's again becasue of the QTDIR environment variable, just create a shell
script with the following lines and you should be good to go.

# QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3 # <-- change this to your own qt3 lib
# export QTDIR
# mythtv

That should get you through most of the problems that crop up. If you find
some others that you solve, please let me know and I can add to this
document. Also if you find any mistakes please let me know.

Thanks and enjoy PVR'ing!

Harondel J. Sibble
Sibble Computer Consulting
Creating solutions for the small business and home computer user. (use pgp keyid 0x3AD5C11D)
(604) 739-3709 (voice/fax) (604) 686-2253 (pager)