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Ehancements for very nice new web based setup - some ideas...

You work with new web based setup is fantastic!

I stared to think how to make it even better :-p

From very casual user (my Wife) really beloved feature might be: template based scheduling with listings filtering by category.

Example coming from my mind:

- top of Program Guide page has set of radio buttons where each radio button is program category.

- me may go with sunset of most used categories (movies, news, soap, children, talk, documentary, food, travel, etc)

- pressing button gives epg with only programs with given category


- pointing mouse on given program gives hover with list of predefined recording templates

- moving mouse pointed to given entry on hover then clicking left mouse button schedules recording accordingly to sleeted template

Of course we may consider to implement above in phases.

So - as first steep - i would say what various users from my community saying about most welcomed feature:

scheduling by templates (for mythfrontend - <>)


MythTV is far best PVR.
So lets make most used action (scheduling) most easy.
IMHO templates are really effective tool to do above.

So i can imagine:

-user creates set of desired recording templates (per family member, or per watching habits or per content type, etc).

-in new web based setup in epg (and also in mythfrontend maybe) - when user selects given program - popu-up appears and first, top option

is dropdown list with templates.

With above - convieninet scheduling of desired programs might be just 3 clicks from top menu:

1. click to "program guide”

2. click on desire program. pop-up appearing.

3. click on desired recording template in pop-up drop-down (which is on top of popup - so scrolling is not needed…)

Above are just food for thought….