Mailing List Archive

mythtv commits
Changes committed by rkulagow on Wed Aug 20 11:48:31 2003

Modified Files:
in mythtv/docs:
index.html mythtv-HOWTO-12.html mythtv-HOWTO-19.html
mythtv-HOWTO-singlehtml.html mythtv-HOWTO.html
mythtv-HOWTO.pdf mythtv-HOWTO.sgml mythtv-HOWTO.txt
Log Message:
v2.62, 2003-08-20. Added pointer to conf.php for MythWeb. Transcoder docs
from mythtv-dev list by Geoffrey Hausheer ou401cru02*
htaccess file has more than just authentication, so don't tell people to
delete it if they want to.
