Mailing List Archive

mythtv commits
Changes committed by thor on Tue Jun 17 17:42:01 2003

Modified Files:
in mythtv/libs/libmyth:
Log Message:
Change the way MythListView emits signals.
This may break anything else (other than music playlist
selection) that uses a MythListView, but I don't think
anything else does (?).

Changes committed by thor on Tue Jun 17 17:43:38 2003

Modified Files:
in mythmusic/mythmusic:
databasebox.cpp mainvisual.cpp mainvisual.h playbackbox.cpp
Log Message:
The Baby Kulagowski commit
Make mainvisual return the current visual's name properly
Use Space == Return == Enter is all (?) places.
This is a bit off the cuff, so it may break things.
