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Proxy authentication
I've written a module to do authentication for proxy requests. I wrote
it as an access handler since I couldn't see how to require authentication
only for proxy requests. Is there a better way to do it, or is this
way fairly decent? Basically, has someone else done this already and

Potential application is protecting a search engine which does not
support authentication, yet requires its own http server to be used.
Since authentication would depend on the URL, I don't think squid
can be used.

package My::Auth;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA %cache);
use Apache::Constants qw(OK DECLINED AUTH_REQUIRED);
use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64);
use Net::PH;

$VERSION = '0.01';

@ISA = ( );

sub handler ($$) {
my $class = shift;
my $r = shift;

return DECLINED unless $r->proxyreq;

Apache->request($r); # set it to make sure it is set...

my $realm = $r->dir_config('ProxyAuthName');

$r->err_header_out('Proxy-Authenticate',qq{Basic realm="$realm"});
my $authinfo = $r->header_in('proxy-authorization');
return AUTH_REQUIRED if $authinfo !~ /^\s*Basic\s/i;

my($b64) = ($authinfo =~ m{Basic\s*([A-Za-z0-9+/=]*)});

$b64 = decode_base64($b64);
my($user,$pass) = split(/:/,$b64,2);

if($user && $pass) {
my $ph = Net::PH->new("");
if($ph && $ph->login($user,$pass,1)) {
return OK;



James Smith <JGSmith@TAMU.Edu>, 409-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix