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Segfaults with File::LibMagic

I've an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS , build my own perl5.20 with mod_perl-2.0.9

When I configure my app i get "Status OK " when running 'apache2ctl configtest' , but when I call 'apache2ctl restart' it segfaults, sometimes just with writing
"segmentation fault' :

sudo apache2ctl_BE restart
httpd not running, trying to start
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

sometimes it dumps more info :

plus-w@j295020:~$ sudo apache2ctl_BE restart
httpd not running, trying to start
*** Error in `/usr/sbin/apache2': free(): invalid pointer: 0x000055a8c9475be8 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========

I assume it has to do with File::LibMagic, which I don't t use directly in my app, however I user Courriel , and this uses File::LibMagic. when I comment the "use Courriel::Builder " line in my code apache starts and everything (besides sending mail ) seems to work fine.

Any ideas what goes wrong and how I can fix that ?

Rolf Schaufelberger