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PerlOptions +Parent in Debian 8 (jessie)
Hi all,

I have two servers using Debian Jessie. The first one was upgraded from Debian 7 (wheezy), the second one is a fresh install.

One of my virtual hosts uses the option "PerlOptions +Parent"; no problem on the first server, but Apache won't start when this option is enabled on the second server. All I see is :

/etc/init.d/apache2 start
[ ok ] Starting apache2 (via systemctl): apache2.service.

But the server is not started, no Apache process is visible in pstree or top. Same result when using 'systemctl start apache2'

/var/log/syslog and journalctl only show this :

nov. 16 23:11:57 sd-22725 apache2[27328]: .
nov. 16 23:11:57 sd-22725 apache2[27328]: The Apache error log may have more information.
nov. 16 23:11:57 sd-22725 apache2[27328]: Starting web server: apache2Action 'start' failed.
nov. 16 23:11:39 sd-22725 apache2[27297]: Stopping web server: apache2.

Apache error log is empty.

Apache seems to be hung somewhere, because if I comment the "PerlOptions +Parent" line, Apache starts, but only after I stop the invisible/not created process.

Bien à vous, Vincent Veyron
Suivi des contentieux juridiques, des sinistres d'assurance et des contrats