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Global $SIG{CHLD} safe in mod_perl 1.28 with Apache 1.3?
If I set a global SIG{CHLD} = IGNORE is there any
possiblity of it propigating to the ultimate parent,
and thus to all the child processes? I'm worried that
if I use the global (even though that's what Stas
Bekmen does in his mod_perl book example) it could
possibly cause problems with the way apache forks it's
own worker processes.


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Re: Global $SIG{CHLD} safe in mod_perl 1.28 with Apache 1.3? [ In reply to ]
On 6/30/06, Matthew Smith <> wrote:
> If I set a global SIG{CHLD} = IGNORE is there any
> possiblity of it propigating to the ultimate parent,
> and thus to all the child processes? I'm worried that
> if I use the global (even though that's what Stas
> Bekmen does in his mod_perl book example) it could
> possibly cause problems with the way apache forks it's
> own worker processes.

No it can't propagate to the other children via the parent - there is no
mechanism in Unix for this to happen. However if you keep setting SIGCHLD
to IGNORE, then eventually you will have modified all the apache children
processes yourself (without touching the parent).

- Gus