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PerlAuthenHandler - Allowing necessary URLs to pass thru or be excluded
I have a custom PerlAuthenHandler that works fine when protecting
particular URLs but if I try to protect the document root it also
protects necessary URLs I use for login and logout. Is there a way that
I can exclude particular URLs or allow them to pass thru?

Here is my SSO.conf file


#<IfModule mod_perl.c>
PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
<Location /SSO-login>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler SSO::SSOAuthHandler->login
AuthType SSO::SSOAuthHandler
AuthName SSO

<Location /SSO-logout>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler SSO::SSOAuthHandler->logout
AuthType SSO::SSOAuthHandler
AuthName SSO

# Below are URI locations to be protected
# Protect /manual
<Location /manual>
PerlAuthenHandler SSO::SSOAuthHandler->authenticate
AuthType SSO::SSOAuthHandler
AuthName SSO
require valid-user

# Protect /
<Location />
PerlAuthenHandler SSO::SSOAuthHandler->authenticate
AuthType SSO::SSOAuthHandler
AuthName SSO
require valid-user


Andy Hale

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Re: PerlAuthenHandler - Allowing necessary URLs to pass thru or be excluded [ In reply to ]
Andy, the right list for modperl questions is:

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

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