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pass mod_perl PerlInitHandler session variable to asp global.asa
Like the title says, I'm wondering how to pass a tied session handle (via
PerlInitHandler My::StateInit) to the ASP global.asa file. I'm using
Apache::Session::MySQL to look for incoming cookies, set the session_id if
not found, then pass the $session handle to the database to the default
global.asa file. Just now sure how to do that, anyone?

package My::StateInit;

use strict;
use Apache::Session::MySQL;

sub handler() {
my $r = shift;
my $cookie = $r->header_in('Cookie');
my $dbh = $DB->getHandle();

my %session;
eval {
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $cookie, {
Handle => $dbh,
LockHandle => $dbh
if ($@)
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', undef, {
Handle => $dbh,
LockHandle => $dbh


#### I want to pass %session to global.asa file ???
$r->pnotes(SESSION) = \%session; # ???
return OK;



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