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New release of PerlDAV and new command-line client
Hi all,
After a long pause and much effort the next release of the PerlDAV
library has been released (v0.22) with the addition of a new
command-line client "dave".

What's New?

- A new and simpler API
This new API is accessed directly through the HTTP::DAV module and is
based on the core API written in previous releases.

- new methods
The new API now supports, proppatch, recursive get, recursive put and
steal locks.

- dave -- the new command line client
I wrote dave (the DAV Explorer) because I needed an end-user application
that allowed me to ``feel'' how well the HTTP::DAV API was performing.
dave is quite similar to Joe Orton's C-based DAV client called cadaver
(yes, imitation is the best form of flattery).
$ dave -u pcollins -p mypass
dave> steal dir/
dave> lock dir/
dave> get dir /tmp
dave> edit file.txt
dave> unlock dir/

- A substantial core API overhaul
Moving from v0.05 to v0.22 in one release might indicate the amount of
work gone into this release.

- A new interoperability test suite
is now included in PerlDAV. The test suite is built on top of the
standard Perl Test::Harness modules. Still in development, the test
suite is highlighting interoperability problems with DAV-servers a lot
quicker than before. See the test suite & interoperability section.

Whew... going to bed.

Patrick Collins

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