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[announce] Apache::DumpHeaders 0.90
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file: $CPAN/authors/id/A/AB/ABH/Apache-DumpHeaders-0.90.tar.gz
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md5: 6631c3612d14162c87d26a45a29a2283

I just made a minor change and realized that I don't think I
announced this module before. It's very very very tiny but also very
very very useful. At ValueClick we have our application marking
certain transactions (usually those involving "bad data" of some
kind) as "dumpable" and then this module is configured to dump N% of
the transactions that gets marked as dumpable. Then when we want to
work with it we just take a look at the logfile from this module and
we have all the data we need to track what browsers does what weird


Apache::DumpHeaders - Watch HTTP transaction via headers


#httpd.conf or some such
PerlLogHandler Apache::DumpHeaders
PerlSetVar DumpHeaders_File -
PerlSetVar DumpHeaders_IP ""
#PerlSetVar DumpHeaders_Conditional
#PerlSetVar DumpHeaders_Percent


This module is used to watch an HTTP transaction, looking at
client and servers headers.

With Apache::ProxyPassThru configured, you are able to watch your
browser talk to any server besides the one with this module living


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