Mailing List Archive

Skype connectivity
Hello my dear Maemoers,

in recent days, I can’t connect to Skype with my N900 at all.
Somebody with the same experience?
What can cause this?
What’s the solution?
Pavel Řezníček

vývojář a správce sítě
Farní sbor Českobratrské církve evangelické – Korandův sbor
Anglické nábřeží 13
301 50 Plzeň

Odesláno z mého telefonu Nokia N900 s linuxovým operačním systémem Maemo 5 Fremantle.
Re: Skype connectivity [ In reply to ]
On Thursday 29 March 2012 10:26:15 Pavel Řezníček wrote:
> Hello my dear Maemoers,
> in recent days, I can’t connect to Skype with my N900 at all.
> Somebody with the same experience?
> What can cause this?
> What’s the solution?


Now I tested Skype on my N900 and working fine without problems.
Try to use other wifi network, maybe ISP is blocking Skype or
Skype binary in N900 cannot connect to new version of Skype
supernodes and nobody running old Skype binary in your network...

Pali Rohár