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MeeGo Conference 2010: registration form open an 7 days left for call for paper
Hi all,

first of all, please excuse me for cross-posting, but since this is an
important news I hope I won't disturb anyone :)

Few days ago, on MeeGo website, was published the registration form
where people can register to attend the first MeeGo Conference that
will be in Dublin on November 15th, 16th, and 17th.
You can find the registration form here:

The partecipation is free for all, but people must register because
only 600 spots are available (we already have around 100 people

Another important thing about the conference is the "call for paper":
developers and power users can submit a talk description (30 or 45
minutes) and if the talk is accepted, they will be able to present it
at the Conference.
Please keep in mind that the last valid day to submit a talk is on
August 23th so only few days left to do it!

The CFP submission form is available here:

Thank you for your attention and we really hope to see you in Dublin
for the first MeeGo Summit!

Best regards,

Andrea Grandi
email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT] com
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