Mailing List Archive

Accepting Nomination for Community Council
Hello all,

As I understood it I had until it stopped being 2014-13-12 UTC time to
accept my nomination, so this should be just barely in time. I delayed
until the last possible moment because I was deeply unsure if I should
accept or not.

My involvement in the community has been very limited since my last
council term about a year or so ago. I have been rather occupied with real
life concerns, and as a result, I missed a lot of the politics that has
happened since then. As a result it will take me a while to get up to
speed at to exactly where we are (as I understood it we did transition to
a German e.V. organization, or are in the process of making said
transition, and that there has been some serious disagreement about
exactly what direction to take in several matters of how the community
will function - I am not fully caught up on how things have developed
since then either). I prefer to be properly informed before taking on any
responsibility, which was part of my hesitation.

However, the same core stuff has remained true through my entire Maemo
community involvement (lurking starting in 2009 as the N900 was just being
released, active posting after getting my first N900 in the summer
of 2010): I consider it of great importance to have an as-open-as-possible
and libre-as-possible mobile platform, due to both deep ethical
considerations, and personal convenience and preference. I still think
this community is one of the most viable chances we currently have of
keeping that goal.

I also realize, however, than many in the community are 'newer' than I,
and have been N9 and Jolla users (I am also unsure how we currently view
Jolla users - as part of this community as far as Council is concerned, or
not). I have both an N9 and a Jolla device, but I am still an N900 fan
primarily and it is that part of the community I always interacted with
the most. As a result, I might be less acutely aware of the difficulties
and goals those members of our community. Of course, if elected I
would strive to listen to all our members and do my best to
understand and empathize with all of their concerns, but this is something
to keep in mind.

Overall, if I am elected I will do my best to be informed by the needs and
wants of this community, and do whatever is within my power to make those
needs happen.

I hope that if I am elected, it is because people genuinely think I am one
of the best choices for the position. For that to be the case, you voters
need to be informed about me, more so than I can fit into this email. Now,
for those who remember my involvement, whether my posting on or my term on the Council, you may already know enough to
decide if you wish to vote for me. But for any and all of you who wish to
know more about me or how I might approach this position, I welcome you to
email me, whether privately or on this mailing list, or by
PM, with any questions you may have.

Yours truly,
mu'o mi'e .aleksandr.kojevnikov.
(Alexander Kozhevnikov / "Mentalist Traceur") do'u
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