Mailing List Archive


Meeting held 2014-10-21 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: (xes), Gido Griese (Win7Mac),
Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen)

Partial: Sicelo Mhlongo (sicelo)

Absent: Philippe Coval (RzR)

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

* Mailing list moderation
* Dead/old/obsolete content on entry page
* Ongoing tasks: referendum, Code of Conduct, karma, e.V. sub pages, letter to Jolla

Topic (Mailing list moderation):

* Jussi found out accidentally that the mailing list maemo-community bounces back a feedback to non-subscribed senders like "message is suspended until a moderator checks the content". But mails ending up in a queue that has not been checked for the last 1,5 years.
* There was a short discussion about the way to handle:
1.) we change the message to "posting is forbidden from unregistered accounts, please see bla bla bla..."
2.) we actually get someone to check&moderate the postings. (council for example)
* At the end juiceme took over the responsibility to check those logs from now on and moderate the mailing list(s).

Topic (Dead/old/obsolete content on entry page

* On the top page of m.o are very old contents, like the announcements from 2013/2010. Furthermore the link to the "abandoned" Cordia project.
And as I thought the Nokia links (which in fact are working and need to be there, at least the one to
The one to is working, but not fully related to Maemo (but to MeeGo and therefore now MS).
* So the council/board should decide what to do with that Cordia link. And if we keep the announcements ticker on entry page for e.V. reasons, or remove it and use t.m.o as announcement platform (as they belong together now).

Topics (Ongoing tasks: referendum, Code of Conduct, karma, e.V. sub pages, letter to Jolla):

* Freemangordon showed up late and asked about contacting Jolla for fre(e)mantle source code support.
* These topics were again shifted to be discussed in next week's meeting.

Action Items:

* -- old items:
o Check if karma calculation/evaluation is fixed. - Karma calculation should work, only wiki entries (according to Doc) not considered. To be cross-checked ...
o NielDK to prepare a draft for letter to Jolla. - Obsolete
o Sixwheeledbeast to clarify the CSS issue on with techstaff. - Done
o juiceme to create a wording draft for the referendum (to be counterchecked by council members). - See
o Everybody to make up their own minds about referendum and give feedback.
o Peterleinchen to announce resignation of DocScrutinizer*/joerg_rw from council. Done
* -- new items:
o Next weeks tasks: referendum, karma check, voting for Code of Conduct, sub pages on m.o for e.V., abandoned link/announcement ticker