Mailing List Archive


Meeting held 2014-08-05 at 20:00 UTC on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: Gido Griese (Win7Mac), Falk Stern (warfare),
Philippe Coval (RzR), Niel Nielsen (nieldk), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen)

Absent: Joerg Reisenweber (DocScrutinizer05), Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme)

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

* status of MC e.V.
* new SSL certificates>
* IRC configuration/administration rights
* future of Harmattan

Topic (status of MC e.V.):

* German court is processing for weeks and weeks (they're understaffed ATM), but we have a file number...
* UPDATE on this (not in the meeting): MC e.V. got registered!

Topic (new SSL certificates):

* This issue can be marked as resolved by the work and help of Falk Stern (warfare, TMO: fstern).
* The certs are from startssl and are "free" as in beer.
* Muchos gracias !!!
* A personal thank you, as he did this on his own.

Topic (IRC configuration/administration rights):

* This is still not resolved. RzR tried to contact x-fade at Jolla, but until now no response.
* We agreed on trying to contact Jolla board member to ask for some spare time of x-fade to resolve this and hand over rights on Maemo IRC channels to CC or board member(s).
* This mail will be prepared by nieldk and should be signed by all CC/Board members.

Topic (future of Harmattan):

* RzR poked Nokia on Twitter about HarmattanDev:
* plz @nokiadeveloper @NokiaHelps contact #maemo council or @hildonfound to status on #HarmattanDev unavailability. RT!

Action Items:

* nieldk setting up an email until next weeks meeting to contact Jolla board about x-fade timeframe.
