Mailing List Archive

Acceptance of nomination at maemo council from user:rzr
Good evening,

First I would like to thank those who nominated me for maemo council

I was not too hurry to accept,
because I hoped other candidates to shows up
and give them the opportunity to express their motivation.

But In short I could be a honest candidate
because I wont make any promises,
so If you vote for me don't expect more than nothing ...
This mean if something nice happens,
then consider it as a good surprise :)

No, seriously I've no big plans on this project
(my time resources are also limited),
but this community deserve to remain forever
(or next mandate at least)...

Now, If you don't know me, here some random facts :

* I am one of the few who never used n900 but own n950 n9 n810 and jp1
* I rebuilt/ported over 2K packages for MeeGo/Harmattan
(now shared on openrepos and referred rzr's shared repo ) ...
* On my day time I work on the other MeeGo offspring
(and will probably keep those activities separated,
so please respect this)
* I've some interest into cooperation models between floss communities

Also my profile is there :


Good luck to fellows