Mailing List Archive

[lvs-users] BUG report for ipvsadm 1.21/1.26 & Production release ipvsadm Patch request & New PRODUCTION release publishing an tar tarball request & setup and puplish an Offical Prod code ipvs(adm) released GIThub request
Dear IPVS Friends ,

A - BUG report for ipvsadm 1.21/1.26 & Production release ipvsadm Patch
B- New PRODUCTION release publishing an tar tarball request
C- Setup and publish an Offical Prod code ipvs(adm) released GIThub request

Since the ipvs betas arround 0.2.x ipvsadm , myself setup dozens of IPVS
I am an Linux Admin since kernel 0.4.2 , work arround as IT Freelancer .
Linux Clusters / HA are my most avantage scope...

Forgive me please for any language spelling typos .
Maybe some one call this LONG report s-p-a-m-m ..
Myself digged into IPVS debugging past since past 5 month
debug ldirectord´s behavior & keepalive that use the "stable" ipvsadm
witch been not work properly.

With tests path 5 month where done at OpenSuSe intel 11.4 ,
Opensuse 12.3 arm RPI , FC remix 18 RPI , and Debian 6.0 & 7.0 RPI ,
debian Tntel 6.0 & 7.0 , FC Tntel 16-18

Maybe more Distributions have this issue(s) as they allmost use the OFFICAL
STABLE ipvsadm ( v 1.21-0 ) release.
I searched with Google for patches arround IPVS / ipvsadm.
Found serval from patches are from SuSe , Debian , Ubunto and Gentoo, FC ,
Centos and others.
$ ls -l 0*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 997 Mai 4 13:35 01_fix_popt_multiarch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1545 Mai 4 13:34 02_allow_syncid_with_daemon
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 101153 Mär 16 11:16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 947 Apr 9 18:15 04_ipvsadm-1.26-list-daemon.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 912 Okt 8 2011
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2989 Mai 18 2011
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2575 Mai 4 04:49 07-ipvsadm-libnl-3-linking.dpatch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 503 Mai 4 20:38
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 965 Mai 4 20:56
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 155 Mai 4 20:45 09_ipvsadm_Version_rc1

08-ipvsadm-libnl-3--linking-2__debian7.patch witch is from me for the
libnl-3 issue gotten on debian7
with any 1.21/ 1.26 release.

Mysrelf droped the found used patches to
I don´t fixed gotten ipvsadm 1.26 RPM build and debian PKG Build .
I suggest that someone of the distro Maintainers may do that on theire own
please , and revert back pkg BUILD patches to this mailing LIST.

As stated by some of the ipvs-users list arround Sepbember 2012:
!!-->> It´s TIME for an FRESH Official Public STABLE release <<--!!
i.e Wesong : DO it please !

An central & Offial IPVS(adm) GIT repro that contains all the distro made
fixes wuold helpfully somehow i.e ....
( not linked somewhere yet today at i.e )
with i.e main(stable ) , dev(unstable ) and next(testing ) branches same way
as Linux Kernel.

Distributions seems use allmost use ONLY publish the "stable" stated
release - but the last ipvsadm 1.2.1 offical was made 24-Dec-2004 - more
then +9 years ago.

What seems to happen :
i.e Kernel 3.x interfaces arround IPVS(adm) changed past 9 years with smal
bits and typos. i.e the stack_smashing.patch , popt and more.

The IPVS Production release used kernel commands requre MUST Correct -
allways - witch the current offial stable DOES NOT for i.e 3.x kernels

------------------------------------------------- My BUG Hunting agains
offial ipvsadm 1.21 and 1.26 .
HOW to Reproduce , see bellow email chain bug report
- get latest tarballs from
- build unchanged / unpatched it on an actual Linux OS - distribution
don´t matter .
- use the build ipvsadm agains an 3.2.x till 3.9.x kernel i.e with LVS-DR

- most BUgs are known and reported somewhere , but seems not included at
offial stable / tarballs ,
Either not included at the offical unstable ipvsadm 1.26 tarball.
As said .. Offial GIT repro with i.e main(stable ) , dev(unstable ) and
next(testing ) branches may help here...

As this reason not Included as most Distributions ( i may say thanks to
gentoo maintainers - they did most of them )
- The Debian ipvsadm maintained GIT Repro ( )
seems as well incomplete with current "1.26-2".
- IT seems the reason for my Bug report may the release delivered "stable"
v 121 with debian 7 with libnl-2 usage.
I did the search for some patches against the ipvs 1.26 tarball and tried
build it .
@debian Ipvsadm maintainer
The libnl-3 on debian7 uninstalls the libnl2-dev thus also the
/usr/lib/netlink dir ( OOPPS )
This cause gone after uninstall libnl2-dev by i.e apt-get
libnl-3 path seems moded from /usr/lib/netlink to
/usr/include/libln3/netlink witch BREAK most netlink, iptables and IPVS

Thus this require at current an symlink from /usr/include/libln3/netlink to
as temp build fix for IPVS 1.2x

Ipvsadm display result from patched 1.26 with libnl-3, popt , smasch
stacking ... :

$ ipvsadm -Ln
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP wrr
-> Route 100 0 0
-> Route 100 0 0

->>my Patch results all over :<<--
1 - For Kernels after 3.1.x
i.e 3.8.7/3.8.8 as used here
seems not longer work correctly with libln2
2 - popt are not longer for kernel 3.2x and above , its required for get
ldirectord / keepalive to work.
3 - aquedat ipvsadm kernel must be used
Results of testings :
- KERNEL does its LB job
- ipvsadm does work not without patches
- ldirectord failed due ipvsadm failed to manage the IPVS table(s).

-----My - testbed --IPVS Setup---
The Setup used here been equal to the LVS DR standard as descibed at
Howtos .

The issue and BUG here seems that the IPVSadm update Commands Wrongly
Thus any failover featger faild .

lb2 # ifconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast arp up
lb2 # /sbin/ipvsadm -A -t -s wrr
lb2 # /sbin/ipvsadm -a -t -r -g -w 100
lb2 # /sbin/ipvsadm -a -t -r -g -w 100

- all systems are at the same network switch
- Eth1 only used by corosync and heartbeat _not_ as or by LVS.
- i am not use the ipvsadm syncd due the usage if corosync & pachemaker
manage the ldirectord and not heartbeat-v3
This allows me to run LIVE LIVE with serval nodes running an ldirectord
with grouped & partioned cluster nodes.
- use lo:0 on realservers with noarp.
DIP1 :
DIP2 :
real1/real2 # sysctl -p
kernel.printk = 3 4 1 3
vm.swappiness = 1
vm.min_free_kbytes = 8192
kernel.msgmax = 65536
kernel.msgmnb = 65536
kernel.sem = 250 256000 32 1024
net.ipv4.conf.lo.arp_ignore = 1
net.ipv4.conf.lo.arp_announce = 2

lb1/lb2 #sysctl -p
kernel.printk = 3 4 1 3
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1
vm.swappiness = 1
vm.min_free_kbytes = 8192
kernel.msgmax = 65536
kernel.msgmnb = 65536
kernel.sem = 250 256000 32 1024
net.ipv4.vs.debug_level = 2

LVS-DR test settings results :

- when i set net.ipv4.ip_forward
results in NO answers by realservers.

- usage of net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore = 1 ,
net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce = 2
results in NO answers by realservers.
Thus the IPVS-DR / IPVS-TUN HOWTO that descrice to set thus shuold be
adement for kernel 3.x ,
3.x kernels may require extra iptables entrys.
Not to happen on 2.6.x kernels - tested

-------------------------------------------------- My server setup & DEBUG
reporting :

$ lb1# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state
UP qlen 1000
link/ether b8:27:eb:0d:7e:b6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state
UNKNOWN qlen 1000
link/ether 00:0b:2b:0f:a2:89 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth1

$ lb2 # ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state
UP qlen 1000
link/ether b8:27:eb:b6:7c:e3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
inet brd scope global eth0:0 <<-- VIP
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state
UNKNOWN qlen 1000
link/ether 00:0b:2b:0d:48:98 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth1

$ app1 # ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
inet brd scope global lo:0 <<-- VIP
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state
UP qlen 1000
link/ether b8:27:eb:97:81:07 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
inet brd scope global secondary eth0:1
inet brd scope global secondary eth0:2
<<- REAL
inet brd scope global secondary eth0:3

$ app2 ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
inet brd scope global lo:0 <<-- VIP
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state
UP qlen 1000
link/ether b8:27:eb:6a:98:da brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
inet brd scope global secondary eth0:1
inet brd scope global secondary eth0:2
<<- REAL
inet brd scope global secondary eth0:3

root@lb2:~# ipvsadm -Ln
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP wrr
-> Route 100 0 0

Important Fault here :
- ipvsadm use due no smash stacking patch & popt the wrong CMD to kernel ,
thus the weight set to ZERO ,
!! realservers are GONE ( unreachable via VIP ) - OOPS !!


lb1/lb2 #lsmod
Module Size Used by
dlm 138857 17
sctp 188067 3 dlm
dm_mod 72808 1
ip_vs_wrr 2260 0
ip_vs_wlc 1433 0
ip_vs_sh 2589 0
ip_vs_sed 1483 0
ip_vs_rr 1634 0
ip_vs_nq 1492 0
ip_vs_lc 1436 0
ip_vs_lblcr 6889 0
ip_vs_lblc 4909 0
ip_vs_dh 2295 0
ip_vs 158484 21
nf_conntrack 83599 1 ip_vs
i2c_dev 5291 0
rtl8150 9106 0
leds_gpio 3199 0
led_class 3590 1 leds_gpio

-------Manual check ---------unpatched 1.21 & distro(s) offial ipvsadm as
above ----------
- got real server some answer ( Ok )
- IPVS answers..
- ipvsadm faild to show the second host, thus ldirectord / keepalived
faulted to IPVS updates..
-------stress check -------------------
while true; do curl realip; done
<html><body><h1> real2 index.html !</h1>
<html><body><h1> real1 index.html !</h1>
<html><body><h1> real2 index.html !</h1>
<html><body><h1> real1 index.html !</h1>
<html><body><h1> real2 index.html !</h1>
<html><body><h1> real1 index.html !</h1>

ipvsadm -Ln
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP wrr
-> Route 100 0 403
-------stress check ----results---------------

- seems goten answer of BOTH real servers via IPVS ...
!!> how can that bee ... if one been dropt at ipvs list ... to be not
ok ?!??!

- ipvs(adm) faild to show the second host
- If i stop shown realserver , the failover & fallback not works due the
ipvsadm commands issue.

- IPVS table not updated when shutdown one of the real servers
-> ipvsadm faild to show the second host, thus ldirectord / keepalived
faulted to IPVS updates..

-> ldirectord or keepalived failed due kernel IPVS table failed updated.

-----------------------singel request debug-----( not rewitten ipaddresses)

root@lb2:~# tail -f /var/log/debug | grep IPVS | grep -v "not hit"
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.740416] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.740461] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.740505] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 1 weight 100
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.740578] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:2
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.740615] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.740666] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.740686] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.740730] IPVS: new dst, src, refcnt=2, rtos=0
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.740861] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.742848] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.742882] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.742916] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.742972] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.743540] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.743561] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.743614] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.746813] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.746839] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.746923] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.751200] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.751238] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.751257] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.751339] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.752840] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.752859] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:40:08 lb2 kernel: [33798.752928] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109

----stress test debug--- -( not rewitten ipaddresses) ...

root@lb2:~# tail -f /var/log/debug | grep IPVS | grep -v "not hit"
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.826651] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.826666] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.826687] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 1 weight 100
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.826764] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.826800] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.826835] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.826868] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.826912] IPVS: new dst, src, refcnt=2, rtos=0
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.827042] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.829074] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.829106] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.829139] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.829197] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.829821] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.829839] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.829908] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.833600] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.833643] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.833714] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.839034] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.839073] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.839092] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.839174] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.840695] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.840714] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.840783] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.961215] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.961230] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.961267] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 1 weight 100
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.961308] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.961342] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.961404] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.961453] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.961612] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.963609] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.963661] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.963680] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.963738] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.964221] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.964241] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.964307] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.967482] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.967518] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.967570] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.973046] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.973082] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.973100] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.973179] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.974667] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.974691] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34335.974779] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.102724] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.102740] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.102761] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 2 weight 100
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.102815] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:3
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.102851] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.102886] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.102919] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.102991] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.104235] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.104267] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.104301] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.104356] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.105373] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.105419] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.105516] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.109036] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.109058] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.109120] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.114333] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.114371] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.114391] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.114544] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.115955] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.115981] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.116064] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.237750] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.237766] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.237803] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 2 weight 100
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.237844] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:3
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.237877] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.237912] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.237944] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.238017] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.239389] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.239481] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.239518] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.239593] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.240013] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.240034] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.240101] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.243536] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.243575] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.243645] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.248104] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.248139] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.248158] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.248240] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.249974] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.249999] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.250082] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.363013] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.363029] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.363051] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 3 weight 100
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.363104] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:4
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.363139] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.363174] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.363206] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.363280] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.364628] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.364662] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.364696] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.364759] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.365037] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.365074] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.365129] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.368272] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.368290] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.368361] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.374724] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.374763] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.374781] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.374865] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.376384] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.376410] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:05 lb2 kernel: [34336.376542] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.557293] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.557309] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.557345] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 3 weight 100
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.557387] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:4
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.557421] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.557457] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.557501] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.557626] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.558936] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.558986] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.559004] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.559057] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.559628] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.559649] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.559701] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.562744] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.562770] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.562858] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.563657] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.563690] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.563725] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.563789] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.565258] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.565282] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.565372] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.686057] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.686073] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.686094] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 4 weight 100
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.686146] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:5
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.686181] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.686217] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.686250] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.686323] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.687698] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.687748] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.687766] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.687818] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.688206] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.688244] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.688298] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.691843] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.691882] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.691940] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.696624] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.696663] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.696681] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.696768] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.698282] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.698307] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.698389] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.798961] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.798976] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.799014] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 4 weight 100
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.799055] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:5
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.799088] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.799139] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.799158] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.799229] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.800654] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.800686] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.800701] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.800770] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.801360] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.801465] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.801592] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.804764] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.804790] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.804861] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.809928] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.809966] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.809986] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.810067] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.811679] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.811701] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.811783] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.928786] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.928804] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.928825] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 5 weight 100
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.928864] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:6
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.928916] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.928952] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.928968] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.929055] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.930365] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.930414] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.930432] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.930483] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.930994] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.931032] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.931085] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.934343] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.934368] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.934453] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.938930] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.938969] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.938987] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.939065] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.940972] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.940994] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34336.941075] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.045129] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.045161] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.045185] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 5 weight 100
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.045224] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:6
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.045257] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.045310] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.045328] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.045427] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.046690] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.046722] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.046739] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.046807] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.047138] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.047174] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.047227] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.050249] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.050287] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.050340] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.054792] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.054828] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.054846] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.054941] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.056348] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.056373] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.056453] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.159884] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.159900] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.159937] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 6 weight 100
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.159977] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:7
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.160009] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.160060] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.160079] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.160150] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.161400] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.161517] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.161563] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.161686] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.161937] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.161958] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.162012] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.165698] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.165723] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.165818] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.170766] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.170819] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.170839] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.170907] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.172476] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.172501] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.172648] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.277283] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.277314] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.277338] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 6 weight 100
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.277377] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:7
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.277410] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.277460] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.277479] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.277551] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.278796] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.278845] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.278863] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.278915] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.279322] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.279343] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.279392] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.282480] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.282505] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.282625] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.287039] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.287094] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.287114] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.287210] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.288677] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.288714] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.288830] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.388547] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.388587] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.388656] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 7 weight 100
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.388698] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:8
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.388747] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.388783] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.388800] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.388887] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.390186] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.390236] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.390255] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.390309] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.390813] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.390849] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.390902] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.394418] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.394460] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.394533] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.399020] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.399056] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.399089] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.399158] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.400787] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.400861] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:06 lb2 kernel: [34337.400924] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.501200] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.501231] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.501255] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 7 weight 100
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.501294] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:8
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.501329] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.501379] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.501398] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.501497] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.502825] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.502877] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.502896] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.502986] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.503227] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.503248] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.503300] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.506399] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.506426] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.506508] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.510451] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.510502] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.510521] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.510573] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.511983] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.512006] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.512065] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.612875] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.612892] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.612913] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 8 weight 100
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.612951] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:9
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.613002] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.613038] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.613055] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.613144] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.614467] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.614517] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.614535] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.614587] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.615245] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.615265] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.615317] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.618336] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.618376] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.618428] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.622539] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.622573] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.622592] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.622719] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.624165] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.624188] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.624267] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.726342] IPVS: lookup service: fwm 0 TCP hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.726373] IPVS: ip_vs_wrr_schedule():
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.726397] IPVS: WRR: server activeconns 0 refcnt 8 weight 100
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.726438] IPVS: Bind-dest TCP
c: v: d: fwd:R s:0
conn->flags:183 conn->refcnt:1 dest->refcnt:9
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.726471] IPVS: Schedule fwd:R
c: v: d:
conn->flags:1C3 conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.726522] IPVS: TCP input [S...]> state: NONE->SYN_RECV conn->refcnt:2
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.726541] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.726613] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.727921] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.727954] IPVS: TCP input [..A.]> state: SYN_RECV->ESTABLISHED
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.727971] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.728041] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.728413] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.728435] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.728515] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.731789] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.731813] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.731903] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.736813] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.736850] IPVS: TCP input [.FA.]> state: ESTABLISHED->FIN_WAIT
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.736886] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.736958] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.738449] IPVS: lookup/in TCP> hit
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.738474] IPVS: Enter: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1067
May 3 08:49:07 lb2 kernel: [34337.738556] IPVS: Leave: ip_vs_dr_xmit,
net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_xmit.c line 1109
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