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Is linux OS needed for real-servers [Was Re: Some clarifications required.]
Arun Manjunath wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> I did read the document for LVS-NAT on same network.
> But i'm still a little confused as to how the Real
> Server knows the client ip-address. I thought it was
> demasquerading from the client to director


> director now sends a packet with src ip as the
> ip-address of the director and dest as chosen real
> server.

no, after demasquerading by the director, the
packet sent to the real-server has
src_addr = CIP, dst_addr=RIP. If the packet
had src_addr of DIP, then there would be no
way to differentiate all the packets coming
back from the real-servers to figure out
which clients they should be sent to.

> Ideally we would like to use an application server on
> any platform , not necessarily Linux.

The only requirement for linux is on the director.

VS-NAT works with any machine with a tcp stack.
It should even work with a set of networked printers,
which don't have much of an OS at all. VS-DR
doesn't require linux real-servers. The only
reason VS-Tun has a dependency on linux real-servers
is that Linux is the only OS that can decapsulate
IPIP packets. It's the IPIP decapsulation that
is required and not the Linux. User land IPIP
decapsulation code is available and it could
be ported to other OS's.


Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
contractor to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA