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MultiSearcher improvement available

I have a trivial extension to MultiSearcher that allows you to use more
than a single query. Currently, I can only find a way to apply a single
query across multiple databases. I have heterogeneous databases that
require different queries (well, slightly but enough) be applied for
each database. I made a subclass whose constructor takes both an array
of searchers and array of queries. I then override

TopDocs search(Query query /* ignored */, Filter filter, int
nDocs) {...}

to use

TopDocs docs = searchers[i].search(queries[i], filter,

instead of

TopDocs docs = searchers[i].search(queries, filter, nDocs);

Doug: can you tell me why MultiSearcher is final? It makes it pretty
hard to specialize your work ;)

Am i missing an existing way to do this?

Thanks again for a great product...jGuru is better for it's use of
Lucene. :)

It's trivial, but does anybody want the simple class? Should it be
included in the next release candidate? Am I the only one that wants
multiple databases with different structures?

Chief Scientist & Co-founder,
Creator, ANTLR Parser Generator:

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