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Second draft of Lucene "Getting Started Guide" and template web app
Based on the feedback I've gathered I've completed my first round of
changes. At this point, I'm sending this to both lists. I'd like
feedback from both the user and development community (please excuse me,
those of you who get two copies of this). After I gather these and
complete this round of edits with your blessing I'd like to commit these
changes. (Then we'll let the patches fly ;-) ).

Once again, here are the URLs and original request. The html and archive
has been updated; however, you may need to refresh your browser.

Thanks Again,


(Original message):

Hi all,

The following urls lead to my first draft of a "Lucene Getting Started"
guide and a "Lucene Template Web Application". I consider this to be
very rough draftish, but would love some feedback and constructive

For your convenience I've put the generated html at this address:

Click on "getting started" under documentation (the rest is stock or not
even present).

I've also zipped my copy of Lucene as it stands today at this address:

(use "tar xvIf" or "tar xvjf" depending on your version of tar)

You'll need this if you want to follow along with the tutorial because
it includes the new build targets referenced by the tutorial and the web

I've tried to keep this short and simple while covering the basics.

Once I've gathered all of the information and feedback necessary for
perfecting this guide, I'll refine it and submit the appropriate patches
to the list (or zip the patches and send them to one of the committers).

Following this, my next contribution will be a set of default classes
for achieving location Independence and content handler mapping. This
will be a "proof of concept" submitted to the community to refine and

Next, I'll submit a POI::HSSF content handler once the community has
determined the correct method for doing this.

Following this I'll likely contribute a "crawler" for indexing remote

Anyhow...its time for Star Trek.

Thanks in advance,


On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 12:01, Doug Cutting wrote:
> Wow, this looks great!
> Some quick comments:
> 1. I'm not sure we need to tell folks how to build Lucene here. Shouldn't
> they download a compiled release and just use the jar file there? The demo
> classes are also provided pre-compiled. So ant and javacc should not be
> required for the demos. Of course, once you start changing things you'll
> need ant, but you shouldn't need javacc nor should you need to recompile
> Lucene itself. Now that JavaCC has been removed from Lucene's lib directory
> (for legal reasons) this is more important.
> 2. I'd remove the mention of merge factor. We should also probably remove
> this from the demo code. It's there as a relic of my use of that class for
> testing and benchmarking, but most folks should probably just go with the
> default--especially in a HelloWorld type example.
> 3. Should we upgrade the examples to StandardAnalyzer from StopAnalyzer?
> One of the most common complaints is that Lucene doesn't index numbers:
> that's because most folks start with the demo code which is based on
> LetterTokenizer and throws out numbers.
> 4. Packages: Pre-Apache the example code was in the "demo" package. With
> the move to Apache it was put in org.apache.lucene. Should it instead go in
> a sub-package?
> Anyway, none of these are a big deal. Overall, Bravo! +1.
> Doug
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- fix java generics!

The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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