Mailing List Archive

Hebrew Tockenizer
Hello, Lucene community
The project I'm working on requires me to include a Hebrew analyzer,
therefore I searched through the OpenSearch and Elasticsearch documents but
couldn't find anything relevant. I would want to know if the Lucene
community has any plans to integrate Hebrew Tockenizer in the future.
Additionally, I would like to know what obstacles some of our users had
while trying to construct a Hebrew analyzer and whether it is possible to
make it work with stopwords, synonyms, lemmitizers, and other features.
Additionally, I discovered a github repository where users claim to have
created a Hebrew plugin for elastic search, but it appears to be out of
date, and when I attempt to add it to my elastic, the links break. What
other option do we have to fulfill this requirement?
Warm regards
Re: Hebrew Tockenizer [ In reply to ]

This recent issue is exactly referring to what you need - you may want to
continue the discussion there, perhaps
ask the commenter to make the code public on github for experiments?


On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 8:42?AM _ SATNAM <> wrote:

> Hello, Lucene community
> The project I'm working on requires me to include a Hebrew analyzer,
> therefore I searched through the OpenSearch and Elasticsearch documents but
> couldn't find anything relevant. I would want to know if the Lucene
> community has any plans to integrate Hebrew Tockenizer in the future.
> Additionally, I would like to know what obstacles some of our users had
> while trying to construct a Hebrew analyzer and whether it is possible to
> make it work with stopwords, synonyms, lemmitizers, and other features.
> Additionally, I discovered a github repository where users claim to have
> created a Hebrew plugin for elastic search, but it appears to be out of
> date, and when I attempt to add it to my elastic, the links break. What
> other option do we have to fulfill this requirement?
> Warm regards