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Getting Matched Text and Field for a Document
Dear all,

Along with the search results, we are trying to find which text and field
gave the result.
For that, We have written a custom collector for collecting query from the
scorer along with the ScoreDoc.

Please clarify to us is there anything wrong/limitations in our approach.

Are there any other approaches for getting the matched query from the

ScoreDocExtended scoreDocExtended = new ScoreDocExtended(doc +
docBase , score);
Object[] queries = getQueries(doc , baseScorer);

private Object[] getQueries(int docID , Scorer scorer)
Collection<Scorer.ChildScorer> children = scorer.getChildren();
Object[] queries = new Object[children.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Scorer.ChildScorer childScorer : children)
Scorer child = childScorer.child;
if(child != null)
if(child.docID() == docID)
Query query = child.getWeight().getQuery();
queries[i++] = query;
return queries;
