Mailing List Archive

syntax for complicated query
If anyone could shed some light on if this were possible (or better yet
what's the syntax for it :) with just Lucene query syntax and no
DateFilter I'd greatly appreciate it. Need to bring back doc's in one
combined collection with the following weighting rules applied. FYI, the
index was built with pretty much the 'shrink-wrapped' IndexHTML file but
has a two add'l fields which correspond to html meta-tags... an unstored
field called 'categories' and a keyword datefield called 'created'.

If the query were 'birds':

Doc's where 'categories' contains 'birds' and 'created' less than 1 yr
old... boost hitscore to 100% or (1,000,000%)
Doc's where 'categories' contains 'birds' and 'created' greater than 1 yr
old or null... boost hitscore to 99% or (1,000%)
Doc's where 'categories' !contains 'birds' but 'birds' found in the normal
'body' or 'title'... return normal hitscore

Any direction would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!


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