Mailing List Archive

Is it possible?
Hi all,
I'm new to this mail list.
I'd like to use lucene for an application. Because I'm new I'd like to
know if it's possibile.
I have a text file with many words: each word has a rank with it.
For example:

word1 rank1
word2 rank2
word3 rank3
wordn rankn
I'd like to create a lucene index with the content of this file.
Then I have an application in which a user insert a word and I' d like
to query the lucene index to get the words which match (for example
starts with) the user input.
Is it possibile yo use lucene?
Could you give me any hints to start to work?
Best regards
Re: Is it possible? [ In reply to ]
On Friday 26 October 2007 11:39, Marco wrote:

> I'd like to create a lucene index with the content of this file.

You could index each line as one document. But this doesn't look like real
fulltext search, why not just use a database? Note that for substring
matches (queries like *foo*) Lucene will not be faster than a database
(unless you apply special tricks that make things more complicated):

If you want to use Lucene, here's the introduction:

