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FYI: New Jira markup features
Just a quick heads up: Jira has a feature allowing for some wiki style
markup to be used in both Issue Descriptions and Issue Comments. Hadoop
has been using this for a while, and in the past few days the rest of the
Lucene projects have been changed to take advantage of it as well.

For those who haven't seen this yet: When typing into a Text Area in Jira,
there are now two small icons to the right: one will let you "preview"
what you've typed with the markup applied, the other will bring up a
little help screen showing you what markup is available.

There's no reason to go crazy and colorize everything -- but when writting
long comments where bulletted lists, simple tables, or sample code blocks
come into play, the markup may be handy ... or just keep writing plain
text, and things should still look fine too, but it won't hurt to hit that
preview button before adding your comment, just in case something you
wrote is part of the markup syntax and you didn't realize it.
