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gcj-backend (was Re: missing headers)
On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 01:46:10PM -0700, Garrett Rooney wrote:
> You might have better luck using jlibtool (the C based libtool that
> comes with APR) rather than GNU libtool. Paul and I (the only two
> people who have played with the GCJ version as far as I know) both use
> jlibtool. Just build your APR install with
> --enable-experimental-libtool to turn it on.

mmm... what's the difference between the gcj-backend and the "regular"
version of lucene4c?...
perhaps it would be better not to use the gcj-backend in mod_mbox
(yes, I know the last line should've been for the mod_mbox list...)

> -garrett

Rolando Abarca M. []
Re: gcj-backend (was Re: missing headers) [ In reply to ]
Rolando Abarca wrote:

> mmm... what's the difference between the gcj-backend and the "regular"
> version of lucene4c?...

The gcj-backend branch was an experiemental branch to evaluate the
feasability of using the Java Lucene compiled with GCJ instead of
reimplementing all of Lucene in C. It's proven to be a success, so in
the next day or two I'll probably be merging it back into the trunk.

> perhaps it would be better not to use the gcj-backend in mod_mbox
> (yes, I know the last line should've been for the mod_mbox list...)

You're welcome to do whatever you want with the non-gcj code, but I'm
not planning on developing it any more. The GCJ version has WAY more
functionality, and it's way easier to expose more of the Java version's
functionality than it is to spend the next year or so of my life
implementing it all in C.

It's currently a bit of a bumpy ride, figuring out all the build issues
with the GCJ backed version, but in the long run it's the shortest path
to actual useful functionality.
