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/usr/sbin/stonith does not accept parameters as advertised ( carefully opened a bug 924010)
Hello colleagues,

if some wants to test stonith and is unsure how to use parameters with stonith devices he checks which parameters are available by doing:

sles11ha2:~ # stonith -t external/libvirt
stonith [-svh] -L
stonith [-svh] -t stonith-device-type -n
stonith [-svh] -t stonith-device-type -m
stonith [-svh] -t stonith-device-type {-p stonith-device-parameters | -F stonith-device-parameters-file | -E | name=value...} [-c count] -lS
stonith [-svh] -t stonith-device-type {-p stonith-device-parameters | -F stonith-device-parameters-file | -E | name=value...} [-c count] -T {reset|on|off} nodename

stonith -t external/libvirt -n
hostlist hypervisor_uri reboot_method

You would assume that you have to provide stonith params with "-p".

I wanted to test stonith mechanisms for qemu+libvirt and the stonith parameters with "-p".

sles11ha2:~ # stonith -t external/libvirt -p "hostlist=sles11ha1:sles_hanode1 hypervisor_uri=qemu+tcp:// reset_method=power_cycle" -T reset sles_hanode1
external/libvirt[5462]: ERROR: Should never happen: Called for host sles_hanode1 but sles_hanode1 is not in hostlist=sles11ha1:sles_hanode1.
CRIT: external_reset_req: 'libvirt reset' for host sles_hanode1 failed with rc 1


If you do not provide the parameter "-p" then it works as expected:

sles11ha2:~ # stonith -t external/libvirt hostlist=sles11ha1:sles_hanode1 hypervisor_uri=qemu+tcp:// reset_method=power_cycle -T reset sles11ha1
external/libvirt[5567]: notice: Domain sles_hanode1 was stopped
external/libvirt[5567]: notice: Domain sles_hanode1 was started


I know, there are more serious bugs, but it would be fine to fix this as it is very confusing or misleading.
