Mailing List Archive

heartbeat 0.4.7a released
Hi folks,

This has several features, and a bug fix or two in it. Beat up on it
and let me know what you think.

The default port number is now the "official" heartbeat port number
(694) by default. If you overrode it in the spec files of some machines
but not others, you could have a port mismatch that would cause you

Here's the change log:

+ Added the nice_failback feature. If the cluster is running when
the primary starts it acts as a secondary. (Luis Claudio)
+ Made the RPM more SuSE-compatible
+ Tidied up logging so it can be to files, to syslog or both (Horms)
+ Tidied up build process (Horms)
+ Updated ldirectord to produce and install a man page and be
compatible with the fwmark options to The Linux Virtual Server
+ Added log rotation for ldirectord and heartbeat using logrotate
if it is installed
+ Added Audible Alarm resource by Kirk Lawson <>
and myself (Horms)
+ Added init script for ldirectord so it can be run independently
of heartbeat (Horms)
+ Added sample config file for ldirectord (Horms)
+ An empty /etc/ha.d/conf/ is now part of the rpm distribution
as this is where ldirectord's configuration belongs (Horms)
+ Minor startup script tweaks. Hopefully, we should be able to make
files should we crash in the future. Thanks to Holger Kiehl for
the problem.
+ Changed the default port number to our official IANA port number
+ Fixed the serial locking code so that it unlocks when it shuts down.

-- Alan Robertson