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NTFS large memory leaks
I've spent the last 36 hours or so looking at the ntfs filesystem. It seems
to me (from printks hacked into the code, and looking at /proc/slabinfo)
that mounting my ntfs partition, doing an ls -lR and unmounting again leaks
about 400k of memory. Do it a few times and I get an oops, caused by
__kmem_alloc_cache returning null.
I really know nothing about kernel guts, esp. wrt filesystems. Part of the
problems seems to me to be that various structures are 'hung off' the ntfs
inode structure but only freed in clear_inode (I would have thought they
should be freed in put_inode, but ntfs doesn't have a put_inode).
Could someone who knows more about these things take a look? I'm happy to
do testing and stuff here.
If it can't be fixed in time for 2.2.0-final, I think it should be marked
as experimental. It's really in no fit state for general use.
It's possible that I'm utterly wrong about all of this of course, in which
case I apologise in advance :)
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