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[ANN] tvpvrd 1.4.7 released
ANNOUNCEMENT - tvpvrd 1.4.7
This is to announce the new release of the GPL 3.0 published multi-threaded
recording/transcoding GNU-Linux daemon 'tvpvrd' - TV Personal Video recorder
for ivtv.

Download from sourceforge:

User visible updates since last public announcement:

- Addition of basic WEB-interface with automatic recognition of and formatting
for mobile phones. This makes it easy to use WEB access from a mobile device
- Addition of optional mail notification on events (e.g. transcoding finished)
- Support for NTSC frame size
- Fixed some hardcoded file references where some settings were not properly
read from the INI file
- Additional command to view log file

(The daemon is available as a traditional tar-package source and as prebuilt
RPM for OpenSuSE 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 and factory)

NOTE: This is only for GNU-Linux NOT for any versions of Windows.

To all developers of ivtv-driver that made this possible.

In mailing lists and on the ivtv-wiki there are questions on how to do
scheduled recording using a capture card. Usually the reply on the wiki and on
the mailing lists is to use either
a) some cron/at shell script or
b) install a full fledged media center (e.g. MythTV).

This daemon solves this recording/scheduling problem by offering a clean method
to schedule both recording and optional transcodings (using ffmpeg) by the
means of a resident Unix/Linux daemon for those who do no want/need a full
fledged media center but still wants more easy of use and flexibility than is
possible with manually added cron jobs.

* Client server architecture with automatic client arbitration

* Multi threaded, multi process architecture

* Basic master /slave option for how to run the server which makes it possible
to run as a slave to do transcoding on a server that doesnät have a capture

* Built in micro WEB-server to allow easy WEB access to manage recordings
* ... or command line access via TCP/IP for more advanced commands

* Full UTF-8 support for names of recordings

* Very small footprint (unloaded daemon binary is only 179K)

* Simultaneous recording using multiple capture cards

* Multi transcoding of the same video with user defined profiles

* Self contained XML based recording database (no need to install or setup a
separate database)

* Intelligent load balancing for transcoding

* Large File Support (LFS) to enable recorded files with sizes >2GB

* Easy to use support for recurring recordings, daily, weekly, workdays, etc

* Intelligent time/date specification

* Extensive Unix manpage documentation (as well as PDF version)

* Extensive customization possible via INI-file

* ... and much more !!

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