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2.4.6/7 networking driver bug
I believe I've found a network driver bug, especially the 8139too
driver. Box 1 is connected to box 2 with a cross-over cable

box1 box2
-----| |---------|
eth0 eth1 eth0

The output of box1 as follows(correctly):

root@ds9:~# uname -r
root@ds9:~# mii-tool
eth0: 10 Mbit, half duplex, link ok
eth1: 100 Mbit, half duplex, link ok

The output of box2 as follows(incorrectly):
$ [~] uname -r
$ [~] mii-tool
eth0: 10 Mbit, half duplex, no link

Box2 can talk to box1 without problems and this problem was found
under kernel 2.4.6 and 2.4.7 (2.4.5 seems too buggy to worth a test).

When booting up box1 under kernel 2.4.7, both eth0 and eth1 will show
up incorrect output:

eth0: 10 Mbit, half duplex, no link
eth1: 10 Mbit, half duplex, no link

It didn't matter what I set. OK I know this belongs to LKM but the
volume was too great to handle.

Linux 2.4.4fw #3 Thu Jun 21 21:29:13 CST 2001 i586 unknown
06:20:01 up 22 days, 6:16, 3 users, load average: 0.66, 0.61, 0.30