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2016 Perl::Dancer Conference - Announcement
Interchange Enthusiasts,

Each year we bring together an international band of Perl loving misfits for a few days of hacking and community fun. The Perl::Dancer conference is a unique opportunity to leave the terminal and get hands on with #dancer. Take a training course, learn new and exciting ways people are using Dancer. Network with fellow developers and possibly even land your dream job.

We are very excited to announce that this year’s conference will once again be held in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria on September 21st - 22nd. In addition we are proposing a day of training Tuesday, September 20th. The conference is currently taking submissions on training topics, we would love to hear your ideas.

In order for the conference's success, WE NEED YOUR HELP! We have a wide range of tasks available for any skill set, perfect for using up those extra cycles. Tasks include, helping program the conference website, assistance with scheduling, submitting and reviewing talks, writing marketing material for spreading the word, organizing equipment, brainstorming on activities and more. Become a part of Team PDC today. Everyone who helps out this year will get a super cool limited edition "Team Dancer” t-shirt and sticker to show off your support.

How do you get involved? Simply send us an email at or chime in on IRC channels #interchange (freenode) or #dancer ( We look forward to hearing from you!

Warm Regards,
Sam Batschelet (hexfusion)

Perl::Dancer conference

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