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"--clearsign" bug?
I would like to know if this is happens to everyone else, and
therefore, if it is a bug:

If i save a mail message to a file, and it has a signature at the end
(such as the one at the bottom of this message); with a "--" and then
proceeding signature text, and I clearsign this message/file via
$ gpg --clearsign message

the resulting file is signed correctly, but the signed text gets
mangled. any line (inside the signature) that is "--", (the text right
before one's signature) gets turned into "- --".

is this a gnupg bug?

GnuPG 1.0.1, on a GNU/linux x86 system. please CC any replies, as I am
not part of the mailing list!

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Re: "--clearsign" bug? [ In reply to ]
Matthew Gatto, at 22:43 -0400 on Wed, 13 Sep 2000, wrote:

> is this a gnupg bug?

No, this is not a gnupg bug. This is GnuPG dash-escaping the dashes.

Frank Tobin

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Re: "--clearsign" bug? [ In reply to ]
On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Frank Tobin wrote:

> No, this is not a gnupg bug. This is GnuPG dash-escaping the dashes.

GnuPG FAQ .... and the winner is: What is this "- --" thing?

The strange thing is that it is not yet a topic in the FAQ
( I guess I should write a few words.


Werner Koch GnuPG key: 621CC013
OpenIT GmbH

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