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[issue198] pinentry-qt doesn't handle extended characters correctly.
New submission from Lénaïc Huard <>:

Here is what I get with pinentry when the password entered is "Lénaïc" :

lenaic@lhuard ~ $ pinentry-qt
OK Your orders please
D Lénaïc
lenaic@lhuard ~ $ pinentry-gtk
Warning: using insecure memory!
OK Your orders please
pinentry-gtk: no LC_CTYPE known - assuming UTF-8
pinentry-gtk: no LC_CTYPE known - assuming UTF-8
D Léna¨ic

As you can see, é and ï are misunderstood by pinentry-qt whereas the é is
correctly understood by pinentry-gtk.
Moreover, when I put stressed voyels in description (with SETDESC), the stressed
letters are replaced by squares in the window that appears with the GETPIN
command ; but look correct in the window that appears with the CONFIRM command.

I've no idea why pinentry-qt and pinentry-gtk have a different behaviour ; and
why the "CONFIRM" window prints stressed letters correctly.

Here are some clues :
pinentry-qt is suid ; pinentry-gtk is not.
the lenaic user sets LANG to "fr_FR@euro" ; the root's bashrc only sets LC_CTYPE.
I have a ~/.qt config folder (my KDE is correcly localized) ; I have no ~/.gtk.

PS: Is it to paranoid to put stressed letters in passphrase ? :-P

messages: 963
nosy: Lénaïc
status: unread
title: pinentry-qt doesn't handle extended characters correctly.
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