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slow keyboard rate
Hi all,

My gentoo box always have a boring rate for the keyboard (very slow ...)
in both X and text mode. I usually type kbdrate -r 30 -d 250 as root.
After I tried to include this command in /etc/conf.d/local.start, but it
does work. Does anyone know how to solve it?

best regards,


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Re: slow keyboard rate [ In reply to ]
Hi Flávio:

"Flávio L. C. de Moura" wrote:

> Hi all,
> My gentoo box always have a boring rate for the keyboard (very slow ...)
> in both X and text mode. I usually type kbdrate -r 30 -d 250 as root.
> After I tried to include this command in /etc/conf.d/local.start, but it
> does work. Does anyone know how to solve it?

I am not sure how to set kbdrate for terminals, I also used kbdrate
before, and I do not remember if it worked for me in startup scripts
or not.

What about X, in KDE I set it via keyboard preferences, in IceWM I am
doing this in ~/.icewm/startup:

/usr/X11R6/bin/xset r rate 250 50

in Xemacs I had the following:

; set kb rate
(defun my-set-keyrate (lat rate)
(shell-command (format "xset r rate %d %d" lat rate)))

(define-key global-map "\C-ckd"
(lambda ()
(my-set-keyrate 250 50)
(message "Default keyrate intalled."))) ;default keyrate
(define-key global-map "\C-ckf"
(lambda ()
(my-set-keyrate 250 100)
(message "Fast keyrate intalled")))
(define-key global-map "\C-cks"
(lambda ()
(my-set-keyrate 250 25)
(message "Slow keyrate installed"))) ;slow


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