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Missing seperator
Every now and then I find a package I'd like to try and upon issueing
"make" I get "Makefile:x: missing seperator, Stop" where x=line_number.

The following bits of code represent the first nine line of one of the
packages where I get this complaint(makefile:9:)

#CXX = g++ -g -ggdb -funroll-loops `avifile-config --cflags`
CXX = g++ -O6 `avifile-config --cflags` -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer
LIBMPEG3-OPTIONS= #-no-css #-no-mmx
all: libmpeg3_t avi2divx mpeg2divx

avi2divx: Makefile avi2divx.cpp
$(CXX) -o avi2divx avi2divx.cpp `avifile-config --libs` -lpthread

What is a missing seperator?
Ted Ozolins(VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C

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