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Frozen-Bubble-1.0-r3 + per-sdl failed

Not able to get this game emerged. It keeps complaining about missing
sdl-perl (which is emerged)

Going to the forums, I see references of this error and there's a fix,
but lo and behold, the fix is already in this ebuild! (i found out after
making my own ebuild patches..)


Anyone been successful??

Ow Mun Heng
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 2 on D600 1.4Ghz CPU kernel
Neuromancer 09:49:49 up 1:17, 8 users, load average: 2.83, 2.79, 2.38

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Re: Frozen-Bubble-1.0-r3 + per-sdl failed [ In reply to ]
Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> Guys,
> Not able to get this game emerged. It keeps complaining about missing
> sdl-perl (which is emerged)
> Going to the forums, I see references of this error and there's a fix,
> but lo and behold, the fix is already in this ebuild! (i found out after
> making my own ebuild patches..)
> sigh..
> Anyone been successful??

Yes, I have it installed:

[root@Gentoo] 04:05 PM #equery list frozen-bubble
Searching for package 'frozen-bubble' in all categories among:
* installed packages
[I--] [ ] games-arcade/frozen-bubble-1.0.0-r3 (0)

However, it looks like I installed it from an OVERLAY directory (not
surprising since I installed it some time ago). A further check reveals
that I probably got the ebuild from Bugzilla, since the ebuild I
installed from is no longer in my tree, and I would have deleted it
manually when the ebuild went into the regular Portage tree (if it had
come from BMG, it would probably still be there, since I don't update
the BMG overlay very much).

So yes, it is installable (or at least was, assuming that the ebuild did
not change between coming out of Bugzilla and entering the Portage
tree), but as I recall, I had problems with it at the time as well. But
then, I often have problems with Perl and Perl modules.

So I would suggest that you might want to re-emerge sdl, or sdl-perl, or
perl itself, all of the above, or worse yet (because it takes so long),
run /usr/portage/dev-lang/perl/files/libperl-rebuilder (it's a script)
to rebuild the various perl modules against libperl (they seem to break
a lot), then try the emerge again.

Hope this helps.


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