Mailing List Archive

Stages, LiveCDs, Netboots, N32, come and get'em while they're hot!
Within 24-48 hours, the Gentoo Mirrors
( should be carrying the bulk of the
recent mips stuff we've managed to put out, rather than it all being hosted on
our devspace.

The new stuff includes:

New mips3/mips4 stages for o32 userland, courtesy of Hardave Riar
Current Location: **
New Location(s): mirror://experimental/mips/stages/mips3/2005.0

** stage3 files here are not readable at the current time. They will be
readable once on the mirrors.

New Cobalt Stages, courtesy of Stuart Longland
Current Location:
New Location: mirror://experimental/mips/stages/cobalt/2005.0

New n32 userland stages, courtesy of me
Current Location:
New Location: mirror://experimental/mips/stages/n32/mips4/2005.0 **

** n32 is for mip64/mips4 systems only at the current time. Read the
README file in the directory before proceeding.

The new experimental LiveCD RC4:
Current Location:
New Location: mirror://experimental/mips/livecd/rc4

All the Netboots shifted to the mirrors:
Current Location:
New Location: mirror://experimental/mips/netboot

It'll take a minimum of 24 hours from the time of this email to an upwards of 48
hours before all these appears in the experimental folder on the mirrors. Also,
not all mirrors carry the experimental folder. The files currently existing in
the experimental/mips folder on the mirrors will be deleted soon, so don't
download or use those.

Yell if something doesn't work.


Gentoo/MIPS Team Lead
Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees

"Such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands
do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere." --Elrond
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