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SELinux functionality
Greetings to all,

Since my Hardened box running fine for some time using pie-ssp and
Grsecurity, I'm considering to give also SELinux a try.I'm wondering about the set of daemons, which are already supported by the
actual policy. I would basically set up a box with the following software
components: syslog-ng, dcron, oidentd, apache2(+ssl), php4, mysql,
sendmail, clamav(+milter), spamassassin(+milter), dovecot (IMAP) and some
php webapps.What should I expect from the policy pint of view?


dr Tóth Attila, Radiológus Rezidens, 06-30-5962-962
Attila Toth MD, Radiology Resident, +36-30-5962-962

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RE: SELinux functionality [ In reply to ]

I haven't tried all of those programs with gentoo selinux, but my general
experience is that if the program has a policy available either in the base
policy or as a separate download, then it's a simple matter to get it
operating correctly. If you choose a program that no one has written a
policy for, then you get to learn how to write policy. :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tóth Attila []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 12:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: [gentoo-hardened] SELinux functionality
> Greetings to all,
> Since my Hardened box running fine for some time using pie-ssp and
> Grsecurity, I'm considering to give also SELinux a try.I'm
> wondering about the set of daemons, which are already supported by the
> actual policy. I would basically set up a box with the following software
> components: syslog-ng, dcron, oidentd, apache2(+ssl), php4, mysql,
> sendmail, clamav(+milter), spamassassin(+milter), dovecot (IMAP) and some
> php webapps.What should I expect from the policy pint of view?
> Thx,
> Dw.
> --
> dr Tóth Attila, Radiológus Rezidens, 06-30-5962-962
> Attila Toth MD, Radiology Resident, +36-30-5962-962
> --
> mailing list

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