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Friendly reminder. Take care of your keywords
Hi *:

This is a friendly reminder for all the people who work in the arch
teams and make the keywording process. All of us know that the keyword
process is hard and sometimes not very funny but it should be done with
special care because is the final test between the software and the
users/devs community out there.

Lately we have some tools that save us to access to the bugzilla web
interface to make comments or modify bugzie fields. Please, if you are
going to use them, be sure of read all the comments in the stabilization
bugs before because sometimes there are things to fix or important
comments that can make the process to stop.

We can't mark something even ~arch if there are compilation errors
(reached via USE flags or not) or you found deficiencies in the use of
the software until the maintainer can help us to know how to fix them or
use the app properly.

Arch teams are usually the last layer of QA so, please, take care of
your arch, take care of your users, take care of Gentoo.

Anyway, you know I love you all.

P.D: please, if you don't have anything positive to say or add something
of value to this thread, keep it out of the list. Thanks.

Jose Luis Rivero <>
Gentoo/Doc Gentoo/Alpha
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